Buchu is a natural diuretic.
It has an effective flushing action on the kidneys, and is a great treatment for urinary tract and prostate infections, cystitis, gonorrhea, impotence and low sperm count.
The native peoples of southern Africa, most prominently the Khoi San of the western Cape region, pioneered the medicinal use of Buchu, employing it to treat urinary problems.
Fluidex and Odrinil, two prescription medications that relieve premenstrual bloating, both contain Buchu.
Strongly aromatic, Buchu can also help to relieve gas and bloating.
The active constituent, diosphenol, may have a diuretic action and may partly account for the herb's antiseptic effect on the urinary system.
Gynecological uses - Buchu infusion or tincture may be useful in treatments for cystitis and urethritis, especially when they are related to a pre-existing candida problem, such as yeast infections. Buchu may also be used as a douche for leucorrhea (white vaginal discharge) and occasionally for yeast infections. The herb is a uterine stimulant and contains pulegone, which is also present in large quantities in pennyroyal.
Pulegone is an abortifacient and a powerful emmanagogue (stimulates menstrual flow). Buchu should not, therefore, be taken during pregnancy.
Dosage: 3-5 sprays onto tongue 4-5 times per day. May be sprayed onto juice or water